Uncommon Adventures
Formerly D&D&3Vs. We are a D&D 5e Podcast. We are fools, dweebs, dorks, and nerds, so there is plenty to love. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry. Join Nefeli the romantically inept centaur, Edgar the edgy teen, Billiam the Satan worshiping, heavy metal Bard, and Keesla the deceivingly sociopathic snake man. Nothing but fun times to be had.
217 episodes
S3E68-The Finale, Finally
Happy 6/9! The perfect day to celebrate the conclusion of Uncommon Adventures Season 3!Our heroes are still in a desperate struggle to save themselves and the universe. The gnolltrons might not be enough, but what pun, what ...
Season 3
Episode 68

S3E67-Floating in Goo
With the Gnolltrons assembled, the team is ready to take the fight to the current god of the realm. By their powers combined they are Captain Planet?
Season 3
Episode 67

S3E66-Mega-Thrusters Are Go!
The climactic battle kicks off. Not with a bang, but a whimper. It's up to Gorgi to save her friends and it's up to the team to save the world!
Season 3
Episode 66

S3E65-A Drop of Blood in an Ocean of Blood
The truth of Stumpy's "tragic" past comes to light. Also the final battle for the fate of the world begins, but who really cares about that?
Season 3
Episode 65

S3E64-2 Gorgi 2 Furious
When 3 Gorgis is too much and 1 is too low, there's 2 Gorgis!
Season 3
Episode 64

S3E63-Aren't You The Librarian?
Gorgi, Gerald, and a Gnome are in big trouble and that trouble is currently beating down the door of Omega Tower. Can our trio reunite with their true friends or are they doomed to be chased through the stacks forever?
Season 3
Episode 63

S3E62-Do You Know The Mitten Man?
The mysterious library answers some questions, but raises even more.
Season 3
Episode 62

S3E61-Gorgi & Gerald: Mystery Team
The dynamic duo of Gorgi & Gerald are at it again. In universe 1, things aren't what they seem. Can the duo solve the mystery and save themselves? Can they save anyone else?
Season 3
Episode 61

S3E60-Red Rover Red Rover, Gnome Come Over
Still lost in the library, strange events begin occurring around our heroes.
Season 3
Episode 60

S3E59-Through the Booking Glass
Gorgi was there when the shadow attacked. Gorgi was at the pool party. Gorgi was pulled from the pile of books by her mom... Was she?
Season 3
Episode 59

S3E57-Fatal Attractioning
For all you Final Fantasy VIII fans out there. There be Squalls ahead.
Season 3
Episode 57

S3E56-Ship Happens
Naval warfare commences! Will our heroes prove to be great captains...or the exact opposite of that?
Season 3
Episode 56

S3E55-Do You Sea What I Sea?
The next challenge presented to our heroes appears to have a nautical theme. The team has plenty of experience at sea. They remember all that right...? Right?
Season 3
Episode 55

S3E54-Automatons Actuate
The utility of the dream team comes into focus. Our heroes must lead their team, bringing out the best in all of them or they could just flail wildly, picking willy nilly.
Season 3
Episode 54

S3E53-The Dream Team
The gang round out their squad of characters past. With their champions selected, it's all aboard the Trustworthy Travis to either save or doom the world.
Season 3
Episode 53

S3E52-Suzy, Reference Queen
The fate of the world hangs in the balance, but let's take a moment to celebrate Suzy, who understood her first reference after over 200 episodes!
Season 3
Episode 52

S3E51-Milk Magic
After the revelations presented to our heroes in the last episode it's time for some much needed time to reflect. Never mind, we're being attacked?
Season 3
Episode 51

S3E50-Everybody is Somebody
The emotional attack continues. Our heroes will really dig deep and learn a lot about themselves...and others.
Season 3
Episode 50

S3E49-I Need You Back
A joyous family reunion! Nefeli returns and Gorgi couldn't be happier. The two of them will have so much catching up to do, but I'm sure things will be right back to normal.
Season 3
Episode 49

2 Fast 2 Checkin in: w/ Suzy Checkie 2
Anime filler arc continues! Suzy and Sam check in on what they remember from season 2.
Season 3

Sean Makes a Bunch of Enemies
Maggi is still on the mend, so to keep the content train rolling Sam, Sean, and Suzy goof around and talk about video games. Hot takes are made.

Checkin in: w/ Suzy Checkie
It's been a long season. How did we get from where we started to where we are now? Lets fondly reminisce about episodes gone by in the form of a quasi quiz show feat. titular Suzy Checkie.